Spend an afternoon crafting a harvest themed floral arrangement at the historic Filberg Park and enjoying all of the colours and scents of fall.

In this workshop, we will explore the use of late season flowers and botanicals to create a unique harvest style table arrangement. Participants will cut all materials required from the Lodge Cutting Garden. Focus will be on ‘green’ floral arranging – learning the mechanics of a no floral foam arrangement technique.

Please bring the following with you:

floral cutting secateurs, a waterproof container no larger than 6”x 6” for your arrangement
weather appropriate footwear and clothing – we will be working outside*
your enthusiastic creativity
*There is a backup location in the Park if the weather is inclement.

Only 10 spaces available – Must pre-register

Rain or shine – no refunds

$40 per person + GST

Click here to Register 

FMI email; annembowen@gmail.com Workshop presented by the Filberg Cutting Garden Group with floral stylist Anne Marie Bowen.  All revenues raised will be used for continued maintenance and support of Filberg Lodge and Park.