Flowers, botanicals, workshops….oh my!
It’s a wrap! Liz Stubbs Cutting Garden volunteers have tidied up the cutting garden after another wonderful growing season. The fundraising efforts for the Filberg Park do not stop there though. Cutting garden volunteers are busy preparing for upcoming activities in the Park. Starting with decorating the lodge veranda, the Filberg Park will transform in preparation for the annual Christmas at the Lodge & Holiday Market from Nov 30 through Dec 1. Garden volunteers are also pleased to continue their fund raising efforts by offering the ever-popular holiday botanicals. This year we are adding to the selection of cash and carry and pre-order items at the holiday market. We appreciate your ongoing support of our Cutting Garden fund raising efforts. It was a blooming great season at the garden. We look forward to seeing you at the Holiday Market in the Filberg Park. #filbergpark #Lizstubbscuttinggarden #volunteers #bouquets #fundraisingbouquets #townofcomox