John Mang (FHLPA Director) sat down with Eden earlier this week to reminisce and talk about what’s next; You can read the interview here
Hello Everyone
After twelve years of dedicated service to the Filberg Heritage Lodge & Park, Eden is leaving us to begin a new chapter in her life. She is to be commended for keeping our Association functioning during the pandemic and will be remembered for many other successes. She has guided us through many challenges, none perhaps more daunting than overseeing COVID protocols all the while securing new financial grants ensuring that Filberg will be an integral part of life in the Comox Valley.
Eden, we’ll miss the deep relationships you have cultivated over the years, your passion for the organization and your care for our volunteers. Be proud of what you’ve done here.
We wish you all the best as you begin your new adventure. We know that Filberg will always be a part of you, as you will always be a part of Filberg!
Audrey Craig on behalf of
Filberg Heritage Lodge and Park Association
Audrey Craig on behalf of
Filberg Heritage Lodge and Park Association
…in with the new
The Board of Directors of Filberg Heritage Lodge and Park Association are pleased to welcome Linda Thomas as their new Executive Director. Linda comes to us with an extensive background, most recently as the Island Radio Promotions Director with Pattison Media. In addition, she brings a wealth of knowledge in non-profits, having worked with the Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Vancouver Island and the Canadian Cancer Society. Linda looks forward to meeting and working with all of our Volunteers and getting to know the story of Filberg!